The Land In Between: Now What?

Have you ever been to a really big conference and come home totally psyched about whatever it is that you learned? Or what about church camp? You know that week you spent with your youth group where the weight of the world flees your mind and you were on cloud nine learning all that God had for you. Or what about that new business you started and how excited you were to doodle new logos, draft beginner emails and launch that new website… Well, that is where I want to land.

The land in between is when you find yourself asking… Now What?

Right now, some of you are fist-bumping in the air because you are on the excitement train ready to conquer what you have just begun. While others are currently giving me the eye roll emoji or a certain finger because you are at the end of your rope and what you once saw as excitement now feels like a weight too heavy to bear. Those are the people I want to talk to today.

The people that have found themselves living in the land in between. 

I began my painting business in my twenties as a young newlywed. The beginning was bliss. I sketched out logos, dreamed of new websites and aspired to one day be a store owner that would house all of my great furniture finds. In my vision, I could see the flickering of the candle lit softly beside my cash register as I rang my first customer up. Those days of dreaming and excitement kept me going when nothing seemed to be happening. But soon this dream of owning my brick and mortar store became a reality.

I found myself standing beside my cash register, but the only thing flickering was my joy.

I learned very quickly that hot summer months in Florida were a nightmare in the retail department. No one wanted to shop when the clearwater beaches were calling their names. It was too hot for the snowbirds so they all migrated out. The locals, well most of them have personal pools and vacations to tend to. So I found myself experiencing some challenges. Fear and a loss of excitement clouded my mind as I ventured into this land in between for the very first time.

Would my business survive? Would I recover? Not only did I have fears of business failure but I struggled with rejection.

Was I made to do this?

These feelings I felt throughout that first summer of doing business as a retail location here in Florida. I learned quickly that I could not rest in discouragement and defeat. I had to learn new ways to pick up my excitement and regain my joy in a season that was hard on my business.
My business wasn’t doomed. It was just too darn hot to shop! However, I was thankful for what this time taught me.

In business, there will be seasons. Seasons of great success and seasons of what feels like defeat.  

We can allow these seasons to define us or we can allow them to grow us. We must learn how to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and keep running our race.

For me, this was reminding myself that school season was just around the corner! I would fill my shop with beautiful displays of chalkboards, pencil trays and vintage desks that were sure to please. I would spend my slow hours revamping my website, engaging with social media followers and growing my own knowledge about business. Listening to podcasts and audiobooks are great for downtime.

Slow seasons can be used for our growth and often prepare us for the fast seasons ahead. 

If you are in the land in between asking yourself now what? You may just need to join my Craft to Cash Course. I have openly shared my expertise with you through each course. I am prepared to help guide you through the ups and downs of starting your own business. Allow me to encourage you. I will provide you with awesome insight as to how I have become successful.

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