Craft to Cash

How to Monetize Your Creative Business

A business focused course for furniture flippers, sign makers, carpenters and creative business owners, so you can master the “business” side of your creative business.

A straightforward, simple to follow, step-by-step process, for taking your creative business to the next level.

Students just like you have reported increased sales and revenue after completing the course!

Enroll in Craft to Cash Today!

Running a business is tough. We can help!

Many creative business owners out there fall in love with their craft. They love the creative process, getting their hands dirty and even putting in the long hours. But when it comes to turning their passion into a business, creatives often struggle with monetizing their craft. This is why I made this course.

Is This You?

Have you tried, over and over, to turn your passion into a profitable business?

You’ve watched endless YouTube videos but still can’t get it right when it’s time to turning a profit.

You’re having trouble finding customers or figuring out where you can show off your creations.

You’re struggling with legitimizing your business and are not sure turn your passion into a real business.

You’re frustrated with the amount of time it takes to build your audience and social following.

You’re just not sure how to make this retail thing work for you.

Not everyone is born an entrepreneur.

For many it takes years of trial and error to get it right. That’s what it took for me to get to where I am today. I’ve made the mistakes. I’ve dealt with the negativity. I’m hoping that with this course I can save you from having to learn from the same mistakes that I’ve already made and get you to where you want to be sooner.

There are secrets to turning a creative passion into a highly profitable and personally rewarding business. I’m here to teach you all of them.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to take your creative business to the next level.

Stop the struggling, combat the negativity, and let’s tackle your biggest problems together.

Enroll in Craft to Cash Today!